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Refereed papers
  • Yuxuan Zhao and Samuel WK Wong. Inference for Delay Differential Equations Using Manifold-Constrained Gaussian Processes. [arXiv]
  • Shiyu He and Samuel WK Wong. Spatio-temporal data fusion for the analysis of in situ and remote sensing data using the INLA-SPDE approach. [arXiv]
  • Zhaoran Hou and Samuel WK Wong. Particle Gibbs for Likelihood-Free Inference of State Space Models with Application to Stochastic Volatility. [arXiv]
  • Shiyu He, Trang Bui, Yuying Huang, Wenling Zhang, Jie Jian, Samuel WK Wong, Tony S Wirjanto. Understanding the Impact of Seasonal Climate Change on Canada's Economy by Region and Sector. [arXiv]
  • Samuel WK Wong. Monte Carlo sampling of flexible protein structures: an application to the SARS-CoV-2 omicron variant. [arXiv]
Software packages
  • MAGI: MAnifold-constrained Gaussian process Inference for dynamic systems.
  • PETALS: Method for sampling and prediction of protein loop segments.
  • BAMBI: R package for Bivariate Angular Mixture Models.
  • abcADM: Accumulated damage models via approximate Bayesian computation. [C++ Github]
  • compas: Conformational Manipulations of Protein Atomic Structures.